Tinker, Tailor, Tariff, Trump
7053 Phoenix Ricks 7053 Phoenix Ricks

Tinker, Tailor, Tariff, Trump

This is Girl Friday’s series on Donald Trump’s tariffs and how they will impact U.S. consumers and the U.S.’s relationship with our allies and the rest of the world.

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Gun Violence Prevention is in Our Hands
7053 Pixie Carlisle 7053 Pixie Carlisle

Gun Violence Prevention is in Our Hands

This week, our Girl Friday team had always intended to honor the sixth anniversary of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, but we were even more compelled to talk about gun violence in the U.S. after the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl victory parade. We are enormously grateful to Rachel Feldman of GIFFORDS for talking to us about the impact of mass shootings on families and communities, as well as what personally drives her work to end gun violence. 

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'Indefensible' Labor Practices on U.S. Bases
7053 Pixie Carlisle 7053 Pixie Carlisle

'Indefensible' Labor Practices on U.S. Bases

A new report released last week alleges several defense contractors in the Persian Gulf are trapping foreign workers into debt bondage and other corrupt employment practices on at least four U.S. military bases. The U.S. government has made its stance against forced labor, human trafficking, and unethical employment processes very clear, both at home and abroad. So, why is this happening? And, what can we do to help make certain that all workers on U.S. military bases are safe and treated with dignity and respect?

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The Tide is Turning in Tehran
7053 Pixie Carlisle 7053 Pixie Carlisle

The Tide is Turning in Tehran

Last week in Iran, a young, twenty-two-year-old woman named Mahsa Amini died after being taken into custody for wearing attire that did not fit the repressive standards imposed by the morality police in Tehran. As protests flood the nation and Iranian women demand justice and equity, what can we do to support them? And, how can non-Muslim women be a better support system for Muslim women?

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Honor Queen Elizabeth II by Supporting Nurses
High Society, 7053 Pixie Carlisle High Society, 7053 Pixie Carlisle

Honor Queen Elizabeth II by Supporting Nurses

With Queen Elizabeth II's passing this week, media coverage has focused on her 70 years of loyal public service and her family's complicated legacy around the world. Royalists and anti-monarchists may disagree politically, but they might both acknowledge that Queen Elizabeth II's devotion to nearly 600 charities deserves recognition. One of her earliest patronages, The Royal College of Nursing, merits discussion this week as global nursing shortages are once again in the news. Typically, this is discussed as a labor problem in high-income countries, but according to global data, this impacts low-wealth countries even more. How did this happen, and what can we do to support the field of nursing?

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